I’m Silly, Unique, and Nerdy – Get used to it!

I’ve been doing a few interviews here and there to coincide with the release of Beneath the Wall, but sometimes they can be only the facade of who Eryn really is.  So today I thought I would peel away the exterior and give you a glimpse of the Eryn inside with the Top Five Things You Don’t Know About Me (in random order).

#1.  I’m a gamer. I love videos games.  Jon got me hooked when we met and I found that love the escape of “being” in a different world.  Sims is my all-time favorite!  I actually create my characters and what I picture their houses to look like in the game. I’ve also rebuilt every house/apartment I’ve ever lived in there too.  I don’t know what I’d do if I lost the files!  I do take screen shots though:

Lilly’s apartment in The Blue Lute, my next book.
Brandon’s loft – again from Blue Lute

And yes, we have raised our son to be a gamer too.  Cameron and I have Mario Kart tournaments and play several games together like: Super Mario Bros (I’m always Luigi), Skylanders, World Gone Sour, N+, Superhero Squad, Spiderman, Ironman… etc.

We play them all and usually with a bowl full of popcorn between us and Earl at our feet catching the crumbs.

#2.  As much as I love love, I didn’t have my first kiss until I was 18. And no that has nothing to do with my secret gamer-life! I told you I didn’t start into that until after I met Jon.  And speaking of Jon, he was the first person and only person I have ever fallen in love with and that was at the ripe old age of 24.

That doesn’t mean though that I wasn’t a constant romantic.  I always wanted to meet my soulmate and I ached every day to find that person so I could bring life to the love I felt in my heart.  It was a rough time in my early twenties when all of my friends were dating, getting engaged and getting married and I was still stuck with no one.  But as I look back, I wouldn’t change anything because I learned from that loneliness and was able to do very interesting things with my life, like travel across the country, live on my own in a big city, and really and truly find exactly what I wanted in a guy.  I learned not to settle for just anything but strive for exactly what I searched for.

#3.  If anyone read the acknowledgements at the beginning of Beneath the Wall, you might have noticed I wrote that only Earl, Jett and Ellie are the only three who know I talk out my scenes before I write them.  Well, I wasn’t joking. I do. It just helps.  I may look like an idiot or like I need to be put in a rubber room when I’m cleaning the yard talking to myself or riding my bike arguing with the air.  Yep, that’s what I’m doing, working out the dialogue to a new scene.  So if anyone ever sees me gabbing and no one’s around, just know a new scene is going into my book! (L to R in the photo: Earl, Jett, Cameron *sometimes he’s around too* and Ellie)

#4.  I am a car enthusiast.  I like learning about cars and how they work, their history and I love the artistry that car makers use to design their vehicles.  My favorite is mentioned in Beneath the Wall,  a 1966 Ford Mustang. If I had one I’d have it painted turquoise blue with chrome and a white interior.  Ohhhh yeah!

I don’t know what got me started on liking cars, but I do know it’s been going on a while.  In fact, I always said I wanted a Lamborghini for my 16th birthday to my grandpa and would you know he gave me one… Yep, a white Lamborghini – Hot Wheels car!  He was so cute!

#5.  I have either visited or been through (for more than 20 mins.) 36 American states: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, Oklahoma, and California.

I have collected something from each state and I’ve taken pictures of the border signs from almost all of them (I don’t have too many in the east coast only because I used to live there, so I didn’t care).  I have a life goal to see all 50 by the time I’m 50.  I might be able to do it too!!  I’m more than half way there.

So what did you think?  What are some interesting talents, traits, facts about you that you’d like to share in the comments below?

4 responses to “I’m Silly, Unique, and Nerdy – Get used to it!”

  1. Okay, the only thing that really surprised me here was your interest in cars. I love that you take pictures of borders, that’s such an Eryn thing to do! Does Jon go along with all this (is he willing to pull over so that you can take pictures?) Interesting thing about me–I once was a Junior Olympic synchronized swimmer, before it was an Olympic event. So, at the time, it was the highest level of competition in the country. I have a handful of gold and silver medals locked away in a trunk.

    • I think that is SO cool! Just think, if that wasn’t the top of the event you could have been an Olympic medalist! 🙂 And Yes, Jon does stop and take the pictures with me. I’ll have to email you a few, I didn’t want to put too many pictures on here. 🙂

  2. When I’m asked to share something interesting about myself that no one knows, I usually go with one of these two:
    1) I’ve lived in four different states and two different countries.
    2) I am the proud granddaughter of the inventor of the solar battery!

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